Update Notes - eliot - 10-27-2012
Download: http://eliotvu.com/portfolio/view/21/ue-explorer
Changelog of version:
![[Image: f27b4bc391c743e182c45f2.png]](http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/3671/f27b4bc391c743e182c45f2.png)
Games- • Supported Special Force 2
• Supported Borderlands 2
• Supported Stargate Worlds
• Supported Shadow Complex
• Supported XIII(Not perfect)
• Supported Hawken
• Supported Dishonored
Content- • You can now export .WAV sounds from games such as UT2003 and UT2004, etc
Decompilation- • Decompiled subobjects or archetypes will now have an reference printed below them
• Indentation can now be customized throughout the Options tab
• Decompiled functions whom are native will now have an reference printed above the declaration revealing its C++ declaration name
• CPPText and StructCPPText blocks are now decompiled if available
• Added a new feature in options, making it possible to define the structure of custom arrays, for example when an array fails to decompile you can go to options and define its structure and try again!
• Float values are no longer decompiled to the precision of 2 anymore. For example: 1.205 was decompiled to 1.20
• Function precedences are now decompiled for example prior update “(4 + 5) * 4” was decompiled as “4 + 5 * 4”
• Default UStructProperties and UArrayProperties now fetch their associated property to properly determine the array type even if nested deeply
• \r and \n escape chars are now properly displayed for both string constants and default string values
• Array variables whom have a fixed size determined by an Enum constant are now decompiled as well
• Enum comparisons such as ENetMode and ENetRole are now replaced with their corresponding enum name
• Improved looping ifs and foreach iterations. Breaks, continues are now suppressed when necessary and printed in situtations they weren't previously
• NoExport specifier is now suppressed on UE3+ builds as it became redundant
• K2Call, K2Override, and K2Pure function specifiers are now decompiled
• Supported many more UnrealScript casting tokens such as StringToDelegate, ObjectToInterface, InterfaceToObject, and InterfaceToBool
• Better handling of buffer disposing and DeserializeOnDemand handling which means a much faster package loading process
Interface- • Added an Context Menu for the Text Editor with the following choices: “Copy”, “Search UnrealWiki for …”
• Added “Managed Properties” to object nodes(This shows all the C# properties of a object, to be used for reading purposes only")
• New functionality for the Hex Viewer tool such as “Copy Bytes”, “Copy View”, “Import Binary File”, and “Export Binary File”
• Easier access to the context menu of already selected nodes
• Added “Recent Opened Files” under “File”
• You can now export classes/scripts using the commandline, for example: "UE Explorer.exe" "FILEPATH" -console -export=classes(or scripts)
• Added Find in Document, Find in Classes, and Find Next. Including shortcuts
• Added new Context Menu shortcuts such as "View Processed Script", "View CPP Script", "Table Buffer", and "DefaultProperties Buffer"
• Using the "View Buffer" on functions will now auto generate data structures for the functions code partition
• Supported the Dutch language
• Dontators of UE Explorer can now see their first name/nickname in the About dialog
• Contextmenu options for nodes such as "View Tokens" are now also accessible through the Exports/Content tabs.
• It’s now possible to view the buffer of Import and Export tables
• Back and Forward now restores the Text Editor scrolled position
• Window size, state, and position is now restored for the Main Form and Hex Viewer Dialog
• Polished look of the overall application
• More and better lazy loading of tabs which means a much faster package loading process
Fixes- • Corrected version compatibility for all package versions
• Gears of War 2(and many other games) classes are now properly deserialized(No longer rendered in red)
• Fixes for Find such as: restart from carret not from last find position
• Fixes for NO defaultproperties in Dungeon Defenders, Singularity, Crimecraft, Roboblitz, and UT3
• Fixed missing statements in the Replication block if a package was built with debug tokens
• Parameters with default values are now properly detected by using NothingTokens as skipped parameters
• Empty config specifiers no longer have parentheses
• (For UE3+ packages) decompilation of defaultproperties no longer stops after not finding an array's type
RE: Update Notes 1.2(Upcoming) - AR1911 - 10-28-2012
(10-27-2012, 01:03 PM)eliot Wrote: 1.2-
- Supported Special Force 2
- Supported Borderlands 2
- Supported Stargate Worlds
More coming soon, but it's late, can't go write this all out from memory 
Nice , would you be able to upload a test build?, i would like to try out SF2 as i have some free time this weekend.
RE: Update Notes 1.2(Upcoming) - IDbusy - 11-05-2012
That's amazing! Good luck!
RE: Update Notes 1.2(Upcoming) - eliot - 11-06-2012
(11-05-2012, 06:48 PM)IDbusy Wrote: That's amazing! Good luck!
New things I added:- Added new tools to the edit menu of the Hex Viewer dialog, with tools such as "Export Binary File", and "Import Binary File". This allows people to easily edit an object through their favorite Hex-Editor, once done you can import the changes and save the package.
RE: Update Notes 1.2(Upcoming) - IDbusy - 11-07-2012
Try to make the program support Homefront...Please!!
RE: Update Notes 1.2(Upcoming) - qount - 11-08-2012
More 360 game support would be great. Ability to de-compile anim-trees and kismet code completely (currently we get snipets)
RE: Update Notes 1.2(Upcoming) - eliot - 11-11-2012
(11-08-2012, 04:46 AM)qount Wrote: More 360 game support would be great. Ability to de-compile anim-trees and kismet code completely (currently we get snipets)
Like which? Technically the snippets are the kismet/anim-trees code behind the scene.
RE: Update Notes 1.2(Upcoming) - eliot - 11-27-2012
Updated the developer's build: [REMOVED]
Contains everything mentioned above
RE: Update Notes 1.2(Upcoming) - Ashfire908 - 02-02-2013
Hey there Eliot, I was wondering if you had an ETA on a new dev release? I've been looking forward to making use of UE Explorer's new Hawken support, but wanted to know if you knew how farther off the next dev release would be. I'm totally chill if it's not going to be for quite some time, just impacts if I wait for a new dev version or if I should just use other methods until it comes out.
RE: Update Notes 1.2(Upcoming) - eliot - 02-02-2013
(02-02-2013, 07:37 AM)Ashfire908 Wrote: Hey there Eliot, I was wondering if you had an ETA on a new dev release? I've been looking forward to making use of UE Explorer's new Hawken support, but wanted to know if you knew how farther off the next dev release would be. I'm totally chill if it's not going to be for quite some time, just impacts if I wait for a new dev version or if I should just use other methods until it comes out.
I have updated the link! Enjoy!
RE: Update Notes 1.2.2 - Ashfire908 - 02-02-2013
Wow, thank you very much! You are really awesome for updating it so quickly. I guess I have to get cracking now
RE: Update Notes 1.2.2 - Ashfire908 - 02-02-2013
Just as an FYI, if I start it from the start menu I get the error "UE doesn't exist!". Running directly from the programs folder works though.
RE: Update Notes 1.2.2 - eliot - 02-02-2013
Thanks, I figured that out short after uploading this xD
I've updated the link with the new build. Log:
• Fixed the broken shortcut that was created by the setup program
• Added an copyright notice in About and decompiled classes
• Revised how arguments are handled, you are now required to append -console if you want to use export(which is now also -export)
• Fixed a crash when exporting classes through the commandline
• Fixed the installation of the NTL(Natives Tables List) extension