1. Shame about the left/right cursor issue, that'd be useful
2. An example of the empty parameter issue; the following bytes:
Get decompiled as:
As you can see, the empty parameters (4A) are ignored.
I would expect something similar to:
This is the function being called:
3. The issue with the selected byte changing when scrolling, only seems to happen when clicking the scrollbar arrows (scroll one line) or using the mouse wheel. It doesn't happen when dragging the scroll bar or clicking to scroll up/down a page.
I love the new tooltip feature
2. An example of the empty parameter issue; the following bytes:
1B 6E 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 2C 02 1D FF FF FF FF 4A 4A 1D FF FF FF FF 1D FF FF FF FF 4A 4A 4A 2C 25 16
Get decompiled as:
BuildItem(2, -1, -1, -1, 37);
I would expect something similar to:
BuildItem(2, -1, null, null, -1, -1, null, null, null, 37);
This is the function being called:
noexport function BuildItem(int iItem, optional int iCashCost, optional int iEleriumCost, optional int iAlloyCost, optional int iTime, optional int iMaxEngineers, optional XComGame.XGGameData.ETechType eTechReq, optional XComGame.XGGameData.EItemType eItemReq, optional XComGame.XGGameData.EFoundryTech eFTech, optional int EImage)
3. The issue with the selected byte changing when scrolling, only seems to happen when clicking the scrollbar arrows (scroll one line) or using the mouse wheel. It doesn't happen when dragging the scroll bar or clicking to scroll up/down a page.
I love the new tooltip feature