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Mirrors Edge
I´ve been messing with "Gears of War PC" lately, and I keep bumping into very similar line:

// Failed to decompile this line:
/* ReturnToken NothingToken */
// Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index

* WarCombatAction_Wretch_Melee generated by Eliot.UELib using UE Explorer.
* Eliot.UELib © 2009-2014 Eliot van Uytfanghe. All rights reserved.
* All rights belong to their respective owners.
class WarCombatAction_Wretch_Melee extends WarCombatAction_Melee

static function NotifyReceivedDamage(WarAI_Drone AI, int Damage, Pawn DamageInstigator, Vector LastInstigatorLoc)
    local class<WarCombatAction> Action;
    local bool bLightDamage, bHeavyDamage;
    local float Pct, EvadeChance;

    bLightDamage = AI.DamageReceivedInAction > (default.LightDamagePercentage * float(AI.MyWP.DefaultHealth));
    bHeavyDamage = AI.DamageReceivedInAction > (default.HeavyDamagePercentage * float(AI.MyWP.DefaultHealth));
    // End:0x194
    if(AI.MyWP.SpecialMove == 0)
        // End:0x105
        if(bHeavyDamage && GetActionAndCover(AI, 'EvaluateCover_Fallback', class'WarCombatAction_Retreat', Action, string(default.Class) @ string(GetFuncName())))
            AI.TransitionTo(Action, "Received heavy damage");
            goto J0x194;
            // End:0x194
            if((bLightDamage && DamageInstigator != none) && AI.CanEvade())
            EvadeChance = 0.250;
            Pct = FRand();
            // End:0x194
            if(Pct < EvadeChance)
                AI.DoEvade(AI.GetBestEvadeDir(AI.MyWP.Location, DamageInstigator), true);
                // Failed to decompile this line:
                    /* ReturnToken NothingToken  */
                // Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
                Parameter name: index



* Pawn_GeistWretch generated by Eliot.UELib using UE Explorer.
* Eliot.UELib © 2009-2014 Eliot van Uytfanghe. All rights reserved.
* All rights belong to their respective owners.
class Pawn_GeistWretch extends WarPawn

var bool bWaitForKnockOff;
var bool bSuicidal;
var bool bFleshTimer;
var WarPawn Victim;
var float LeapSpeed;
var repnotify Vector ReplicatedFloor;

    // Pos:0x000
    if(Physics == 8)

simulated function Destroyed()
    // End:0x2C
    if(Victim != none)
        Victim = none;

simulated function KnockDownFromExplosion()

simulated function CringeFromExplosion()

function bool WarDied(Controller Killer, class<WarDamageType> WarDamageType, Vector HitLocation, WarPawn.EWarDeathType DeathType)
    // End:0x6A
    if((Victim != none) && WarPC(Victim.Controller) != none)
        return super.WarDied(Killer, WarDamageType, HitLocation, DeathType);
    //return ReturnValue;    

simulated function DeathCry()

simulated function UpdateMeshBoneControllers(float DeltaTime)

function bool DoWallLeap(Actor Target)
    local Vector JumpVel;

    // End:0xD8
    if((!bIsCrouched && !bWantsToCrouch) && (Physics == 1) || Physics == 8)
        // End:0xA4
        if(Role == ROLE_Authority)
            // End:0xA4
            if((WorldInfo.Game != none) && WorldInfo.Game.GameDifficulty > float(2))
                MakeNoise(0.10 * WorldInfo.Game.GameDifficulty);
        SuggestJumpVelocity(JumpVel, Target.Location, Location);
        Velocity = JumpVel;
        return true;
        return false;
        //return ReturnValue;

function bool SpecialMoveTo(NavigationPoint Start, NavigationPoint End, Actor Next)
    local ReachSpec CurrentPath;

    // End:0x11
    if(Start == End)
        return false;
    CurrentPath = Start.GetReachSpecTo(End);
    // End:0x93
    if(CurrentPath != none)
        // End:0x66
            return SpecialMoveTo_WallTrans(Start, End, true);
            goto J0x93;
            // End:0x93
            return SpecialMoveTo_CeilingTrans(Start, End, true);
            return super.SpecialMoveTo(Start, End, Next);
    //return ReturnValue;    

function bool SpecialMoveTo_WallTrans(NavigationPoint Start, NavigationPoint End, bool bDirect)
    Controller.bPreparingMove = true;
    return true;
    //return ReturnValue;    

function bool SpecialMoveTo_CeilingTrans(NavigationPoint Start, NavigationPoint End, bool bDirect)
    local WarAI_Wretch AI;

    AI = WarAI_Wretch(Controller);
    // End:0x34
    if(AI != none)
        return true;
        //return ReturnValue;

simulated function HitWall(Vector HitNormal, Actor Wall, PrimitiveComponent WallComp)
    super(Pawn).HitWall(HitNormal, Wall, WallComp);
    // End:0x5C
    if(IsDoingSpecialMove(58) && HitNormal.Z <= -WalkableFloorZ)
        SetBase(Wall, HitNormal);

simulated event ReplicatedEvent(name VarName)
    // End:0x21
    if(VarName == 'ReplicatedFloor')
        Floor = ReplicatedFloor;
        goto J0x2C;
    // Failed to decompile this line:
        /* ReturnToken
        NothingToken  */
    // Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
    Parameter name: index

function bool ShouldDealDamageToEnemy()
    local Vector VectToEnemy;

    VectToEnemy = Controller.Enemy.Location - Location;
    // End:0x69
    if(VSize(VectToEnemy) > ((CylinderComponent.CollisionRadius + Controller.Enemy.CylinderComponent.CollisionRadius) * 2.50))
        return false;
    // End:0x85
    if((Normal(VectToEnemy) Dot vector(Rotation)) < 0.0)
        return false;
    return true;
    //return ReturnValue;    

function DoPounceAttackDamage()
    local Weap_WretchMelee Wpn;

    // End:0x72
    if(IsDoingSpecialMove(55) && ShouldDealDamageToEnemy())
        Wpn = Weap_WretchMelee(Weapon);
        // End:0x72
        if(Wpn != none)
            Wpn.DoMeleeDamage(Controller.Enemy, Controller.Enemy.Location, 0.50);

function DoSwipeAttackDamage()
    local Weap_WretchMelee Wpn;

    // End:0x72
    if(IsDoingSpecialMove(56) && ShouldDealDamageToEnemy())
        Wpn = Weap_WretchMelee(Weapon);
        // End:0x72
        if(Wpn != none)
            Wpn.DoMeleeDamage(Controller.Enemy, Controller.Enemy.Location, 1.0);

function DoScreamEffect()
    local WarPC PC;

    // End:0x46
        // End:0x28
        foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers(class'WarPC', PC)
        SetTimer(0.50, true, 'LoopScreamEffect');

function LoopScreamEffect()
    local WarPawn P;

    // End:0xDD
        // End:0xD9
        foreach WorldInfo.AllPawns(class'WarPawn', P)
            // End:0xD8
            if(((GetTeam()) != P.GetTeam()) && VSize2D(P.Location - Location) <= 256.0)
                // End:0xD8
                if(P.CanCoverHead() == true)
                    // End:0xB6
                        goto J0xD8;
                    goto J0xED;
                    // Failed to decompile this line:
                        /* ReturnToken NothingToken
                    // Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
                    Parameter name: index

function SoundCue GetSpecificFootStepSound(WarPhysicalMaterialFootSteps FootStepSounds, int FootDown)
    local SoundCue retval;

    // End:0x22
    if(FootDown <= 1)
        retval = FootStepSounds.WretchFootSteps;
    // End:0x36
        retval = FootStepSounds.WretchHandSteps;
    return retval;
    //return ReturnValue;    

function PlayFleshSound()
    bFleshTimer = false;

function SoundCue GetSpecificLandingSound(WarPhysicalMaterialFootSteps FootStepSounds, int FootDown)
    return GetSpecificFootStepSound(FootStepSounds, FootDown);
    //return ReturnValue;    

function SoundCue GetSpecificSlidingSound(WarPhysicalMaterialFootSteps FootStepSounds)
    return FootStepSounds.LocustSliding;
    //return ReturnValue;    

simulated function bool CanEngageMelee()
    return true;
    //return ReturnValue;    

function PlayLandedOnWallSound()

function PlayLeapSound()

function PlaySwipeAttackSound()

function PlaySwipeAttackHitSound()

function PlaySwipeAttackMissSound()

function PlayLandedOnEnemySound()

singular simulated function BaseChange()
    local WarInterActorAttachableBase Cart;

    // End:0x151
    if(Role == ROLE_Authority)
        // End:0x51
        if((Base == none) && Physics == 0)
            // End:0x4E
            if(!IsDoingSpecialMove(58) && !IsDoingSpecialMove(59))
        // End:0x11D
            // End:0x11D
            if((Pawn(Base) != none) && (DrivenVehicle == none) || !DrivenVehicle.IsBasedOn(Base))
                // End:0x11D
                    Base.TakeDamage(int(((float(1) - (Velocity.Z / float(400))) * Mass) / Pawn(Base).Mass), Controller, Location, 0.50 * Velocity, class'DmgType_Crushed');
                    Cart = WarInterActorAttachableBase(Base);
        // End:0x151
        if(Cart != none)
            // End:0x185
            if(Base != none)
                // End:0x17A
                if(Role == ROLE_Authority)
            ReplicatedFloor = Floor;
            goto J0x185;
            Floor = ReplicatedFloor;
            // Failed to decompile this line:
                /* ReturnToken
                NothingToken  */
            // Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
            Parameter name: index

function SetMovementPhysics()
    // End:0x12
    if(WarInterActorAttachableBase(Base) != none)

simulated function AttachWeaponToHand(WarWeapon Weap)

simulated function AttachWeaponToSlot(WarWeapon W)

simulated function AdjustWeaponDueToMirror()

simulated function PlayScreamSound()

state Dying
    simulated function BeginState(name PreviousStateName)

    begin object name=WarPawnMesh class=SkeletalMeshComponent
    object end
    // Reference: SkeletalMeshComponent'Default__Pawn_GeistWretch.WarPawnMesh'
    begin object name=CollisionCylinder class=CylinderComponent
    object end
    // Reference: CylinderComponent'Default__Pawn_GeistWretch.CollisionCylinder'
    begin object name=CollisionCylinder class=CylinderComponent
    object end
    // Reference: CylinderComponent'Default__Pawn_GeistWretch.CollisionCylinder'
    begin object name=WarPawnMesh class=SkeletalMeshComponent
    object end
    // Reference: SkeletalMeshComponent'Default__Pawn_GeistWretch.WarPawnMesh'
    begin object name=CollisionCylinder class=CylinderComponent
    object end
    // Reference: CylinderComponent'Default__Pawn_GeistWretch.CollisionCylinder'

These are just examples: its found in many different scripts across the entire codebase. Its the same in version and also in Other games I´ve tried (GoW3, GoWJ, BatmanAA, UDK) do not have such errors (or any AFAIK?).

If its not an issue or a bug within the UE Eplorer, please excuse my ignorance. I´m not a programmer, just very curious and still very new to the entire concept...

Thank you for any information on this.

Messages In This Thread
Mirrors Edge - by MonsOlympus - 05-23-2012, 12:36 AM
RE: Mirrors Edge - by eliot - 05-23-2012, 03:21 AM
RE: Mirrors Edge - by MonsOlympus - 05-27-2012, 03:40 PM
RE: Mirrors Edge - by eliot - 05-28-2012, 05:20 AM
RE: Mirrors Edge - by MonsOlympus - 05-29-2012, 07:56 PM
RE: Mirrors Edge - by eliot - 12-14-2012, 06:49 AM
RE: Mirrors Edge - by qualia - 08-27-2014, 12:27 AM
RE: Mirrors Edge - by eliot - 09-14-2014, 03:12 AM
RE: Mirrors Edge - by qualia - 06-16-2015, 11:55 AM

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