March 20, 2011TrialGroup is a cool addition for Trial mappers, with TrialGroup Level Designers can build more complex trial puzzles for cooperative designed trial maps.
TrialGroup provides several tools for Level Designers such as:
- GroupManager
- Necessary to define Group limits
- GroupTriggerVolume
- A volume which groups can instigate; L.Ds can configure the amount of group members that are required for instigation
- GroupLinkedTriggerVolume
- Similar to GroupTriggerVolume, except this one's is designed to build more complex puzzles where teams have to sync multiple areas in the map in order to instigate its event.
- GroupTaskComplete
- L.Ds can add group tasks to the level which can be accomplished through GroupTriggerVolumes or any actor that can instigate events.
- GroupEventTrigger
- Just like traditional triggers, except this one triggers the specified event for each member of the instigator's group.
- GroupObjective
- Just like traditional objectives, except this one checks whether the instigator's group has accomplished all GroupTasks.
The following maps are designed specifically for TrialGroup by the community.